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Sergi Colomer

Hi, I'm Sergi. I am a programmer and I mostly worked on the resource manager, the particle system and how to implement them on the game's scripts. I love programming from the moment I started, and this project put everything I knew to the test. I was already a bit familiar with particles and how they worked since I had done a project studying them in the degree from a past subject.


About Me

Gamers can feel when developers are passionate about their games. They can smell it like a dog smells fear. Don't be afraid to hold onto your unique vision: just be aware that it may not turn out exactly how you envisioned.

  • Scott Rogers, Level Up!: The Guide to Great Video Game Design

I have always loved video games ever since I got introduced to them. As I grew, my likes changed and shifted but there was always a constant: Video games. When I was in High School I leaned towards a more techological background. My favourite subjects always were maths, physics and techology. When the time to choose a degree came I felt very lost since I didn't know exactly where to go forward. I spent many days asking my friends, teachers, family and most of all myself for guidance, some sort of sign. And one day, while playing Age Of Empires with one of my friends it occurred to me. It had been in front of me the whole time. All these years. Right there. Since I loved so much videogames why not make them? When I said to my parents what I had thought they told me it would be very hard and different to just playing games. I asked teachers and they all said that most people are not made to create videogames and that since I didn't have any coding background I would even be at a disatvantage compared to others that chose this career. I spent a few days thinking about it and taking into consideration all the insight that they had provided me with. In the end I chose this career and swore to myself that I would work extra hard to make up for my lack of programming knowledge.

When I started the career I wasn't sure I would like it but I wanted to give it a shot. For my passion for games. And the truth is I am very grateful I did. My passion for videogames grew each year. And my passion for game making... What was just a spark of curiosity had become a firey passion I engulfed in and embraced every day. I am very grateful for being a programmer and having discovered this side of me I now would say is inseparable.

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

  • Tom Boddet

As for Project III, it is safe to say it has been the most difficult and challenging project I have ever made. It has been exhausting both physically and mentally but it has been worth it. I'm pretty sure this project has honned my skills as well as made me learn new ones.

Hard Skills

  • C/C++
  • Dart
  • Lua
  • Github
  • HacknPlan
  • Visual Studio Community
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Unreal Engine
  • Unity

Soft Skills

  • Straight forward
  • Motivation
  • Flexibility
  • Problem-solving
  • Organization
  • Team work
  • Cooperation
  • Empathy