Tomás Carreras
Hi! I'm Tomás, I've been one of the programmers in this project. For me, this has been not only a great experience as a programmer but also as a person, since I didn't know anyone in the team when we started, and I've been lucky enough to get to know this amazing group of people and work alongside them in what's been a very challenging journey.
About Me
I started this degree without much idea of what it was I wanted to do but I quickly came to the conclusion that programming was my field and my future, decision I have reinforced only after working in Project II and now Project III as a programmer.
This subject has been the biggest test I've endured and yet it has also been the project I have enjoyed the most by far. These months have been a true challenge to my programming, my social and my teamworking skills and the results have been better than I could have imagined in all three fields.
We should have gone for C#
Hard Skills
- C++/C#/C
- Lua
- Git
Soft Skills
- Cooperation
- Branch management
- Flexibility
Project Overview
For this project, I mainly had the role of Gameplay Programmer. My job for the first two months was implementing the Lua scripting system into our engine. After that I've been in charge of gameplay.
Main Tasks
Scripting System
I developed the script components which integrated the Lua language into the engine. It's main features are hot reloading and the ability to modify variables through the engine inspector panel.
Gameplay Programming
As soon as the scripts were ready to go I started working on the gameplay. I worked on the three characters: Zhib, Nerala and Omozra each with 4 abilities, on the enemies interaction with the players and the behaviour of the Sardaukar.
Lua Tutorials
As I was the one who integrated Lua into our engine, I also tried to be there to help my teammates understand the system and use it as best as they could.
Secondary Tasks
Outline Shader
I also started implementing the outline shader alongside Bosco Barber.
Intro Transitions
I was also in charge of the intro scenes and the transitions between then.