Albert Espinosa
Hello! My name is Albert Espinosa and I've worked as a programmer during the development of Dune: SSO. This project has been a big test for my skills as a game developer and has forced me to adapt to an amount of work that I had never experienced before. Furthermore, I felt one of the most difficult tasks was keeping up wih the interest and motivation overtime, trying to deliver the same quality of work no matter the success of the previous deliveries. This whole experience has led me to make a big leap forward professionally and has also contributed to my personal development. I feel I have improved my ability to stick to a schedule, to organise tasks in advance, and with my teamwork skills.
About Me
I have been playing video games since I was very young, so I grew up very close to them. I have always enjoyed to spend time alone, and having a great video game and some hours to play it normally takes you to a comfortable place where being creative, ingenious, and strategist is part of the fun. At some point, I decided that bringing those moments of comfort to other people was the path I wanted to follow so when I had to choose a bachelor's degree I had it clear.
At the beginning, I had no idea of the role I wanted to take, but soon I figured out that programming was the way to go for me. I saw the opportunity to learn the tools to build any application from the ground up.
Lately, my interest towards virtual reality and graphics programming has been growing a lot and I think I want to pursue a job on one of those fields.
Hard Skills
- C++/C
- C#
- Lua
Soft Skills
- Cooperation
- Planning in advance
- Flexibility
Project Overview
For this project my role was mainly engine programmer. I implemented the lighting and shadows in the engine, and helped with particles and camera.
Main Tasks
I created the shader for the scene ilumination along with the logic of the different types of lights that you can use in the engine.
Real-time shadows with a shadow mapping technique. It took me a while to figure out the use of framebuffers combined with the delicate state machine structure of OpenGL.
Secondary Tasks
Particle System
I started the project working on the particles implementation together with Sergi Colomer. We got it working quickly and it was a great base for all the other modifications the particle system has had during the project.
Camera Script
The Lua script of the camera had to be modified a couple of times to better adapt it to the ideas the design team had in mind, so there was some back and forth with designers to ensure it had the quality it needed.