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Paula Hitz

Hello everyone, my name is Paula Hitz. I was lucky enough to be the Producer for this project, and with little to no practice organizing teams, I had the chance to discover what my passion is inside the video game industry. Organizing a team of 25 students, including myself, has been a remarkable experience that will hopefully prepare me for what the future has yet to bring.


About Me

Being a student of the bachelor's degree in Video Game Development and Design at CITM UPC has opened a lot of doors for me in this industry, from obtaining extensive programming skills to gaining knowledge on how to design and produce artistically a good video game. In addition to that, due to the great amount of projects we do every year for the career, we had the opportunity to learn what it is to work as a team of two or three students, to a team of 25 students.

It took me a while to find what path in my career to pursue, since I never imagined myself working in a company as a 3D modeller or a level designer, to put some examples. Time passed by as well as subjects we did in the course, and I still didn't find what I was passionate about. That's where Project III came in.

I consider myself a person who loves organization and planification, as well as leadership and team communication. When I found out there was a role in the subject where someone had to be in charge for the project management, I dived right into the opportunity. I am extremely grateful for this experience as it proved to me that there was actually a role for me inside this industry.

Planning is bringing the future into the present.

  • Mike Vance

Soft Skills

  • Public speaking
  • Leadership
  • Project management
  • Problem-solving
  • Empathy
  • Organization

Hard Skills

Besides the basic tools we learn in university for programming (like Unity, Unreal Engine, or languages like C++ and C#), or for art (3ds Max, Maya, or Photoshop), I had the chance to learn tools that were useful for the profile of a Producer.

  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • HacknPlan
  • Figma
  • Excel
  • Powerpoint
